After receiving fertile eggs from a donor, Rebecca and Caleb are finally able to have a child and start a family. Several years later, a strange woman appears in their life, and is oddly drawn to their daughter. The egg donor has returned...
Depois de cumprir pena pela morte acidental de sua filha, uma mulher vê uma nova possibilidade de ser mãe, sem medir as consequências.
အသက်ငယ်ငယ်လေးနဲ့ သမီးလေးမွေးထားတဲ့ တေလာတစ်ယောက် ပိုက်ဆံရဖို့အတွက် မမျိုးဥလှူဒါန်း...
Taylor Thompson, jeune maman d’une petite fille de 9 mois, arrondit ses fins de mois en vendant ses ovocytes à un centre de fertilité. Malheureusement, après la perte dramatique de son bébé, elle assassine son compagnon et passe dix ...