Zach is a rich boy forced to find and keep a job after a major blunder in a company he set up. He ends up working for Evelyn, whom he discovers to be the boss from hell. In the long run, he sees her for who and what she really is. Meanwhi...
My Lady Boss (Șefa mea) este un film de #omedie romantică, regizat de Jade Castro, cu Richard Gutierrez și Marian Rivera. Este produs de GMA Films împreună cu Regal Films. O femeie extravagantă angajează un asistent frumos să-i ener...
Героиня нанимает себе красавца-помощника, чтобы побесить свою нахальную соперницу в офисе. Девушка не знала, что это выльется в ярк...