The year is 1965. Natasa Arseni visits Dachau, the place where she was found by the Americans at the end of the World War II. She returns to Greece, and during the train ride she recalls those past events. Before the beginning of the Greek-...
Νταχάου 1965. Η Νατάσσα Αρσένη επισκέπτεται το χώρο συγκέντρωσης που την βρήκαν οι Αμερικανοί στο τέλος του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, κ...
나타샤의 음악학교 동창이었던 막스는 독일군 친위대로 변모해 나타샤 앞에 거만한 점령군으로 서게 된다. 나타샤와의 우정을 잃지 않으려는 막스의 노력은 무산되고, 나타샤는 막...