An exciting drama from a detective history. In 1899 a dead girl - seamstress Anežka Hrůzová - was found between the village of Věžnička and the town of Polná. She was 19 and she had a cutting wound on the throat. There was no sexual ...
Zločin v Polné je vzrušující drama jedné detektivní historie. V roce 1899 na Bílou sobotu byla na cestě mezi obcemi Věžničkou a městečkem Polnou nalezena mrtvá dívka, švadlenka Anežka Hrůzová. Bylo jí devatenáct let. N...
Baseado em uma história real. Em 1899, uma menina é brutalmente assassinada numa aldeia no interior. Num clima de crescente antissemitismo, um jovem judeu chamado Leopold Hilsner é preso.