록의 불모지인 한국에서 마침내 록왕이 된 밴드 ‘갤럭시 익스프레스’는 록의 본고장 미국으로 3주간 무려 19회 공연의 빡센 투어를 떠난다. 말 한마디 통하지 않는 낯선 땅, 그들은...
The so-called wasteland of Rock n' Roll, Korea, meets legendary band 'Galaxy Express' as they go on to an independent tour to the US. Will they succeed in touching the hearts of the American audience only with music as the international lan...
De zogenaamde woestenij van Rock n' Roll, Korea, ontmoet de legendarische band 'Galaxy Express' terwijl ze op onafhankelijke tournee gaan naar de VS. Zullen ze erin slagen de harten van het Amerikaanse publiek te raken alleen met muziek als...