David Imaz tuvo que huir del País Vasco a mediados de los setenta, repudiado por los suyos, acusado de traición. A pesar de encontrar la felicidad en California, su pasado le sigue pesando y el sentimiento de culpa no le permite afrontar ...
David Imaz had to flee from the Basque Country in the mid-seventies, repudiated by his people, accused of betrayal. Despite having found happiness in California, his past still weighs him down and the feeling of guilt prevents him from bein...
David Imaz a dû fuir le Pays basque dans les années 1970, renié par les siens, accusé de trahison. Bien qu’il ait trouvé le bonheur en Californie, son passé le rattrape et le sentiment de culpabilité l’empêche de vivre avec sér...
스페인 바스크 지역의 오바바라는 마을에 사는 다비드는 아코디언 연주가인 아버지로부터 아코디언을 배우며 친구 루비스와 즐거운 나날을 보낸다. 하지만 그런 다비드에게 시련이...