Against the vibrant backdrop of a 1960s-inspired, retro-futuristic world, Marvel's First Family is forced to balance their roles as heroes with the strength of their family bond, while defending Earth from a ravenous space god called Galact...
Forçados a equilibrar seu papéis como heróis com a força do laço familiar, o Quarteto Fantástico deve defender a Terra de um voraz deus do espaço chamado Galactus (Ralph Ineson) e sua enigmática apoiadora, a Surfista Prateada (Julia...
Sinopsis pendiente de confirmar.
Кінокомікс, заснований на однойменних мальописах Marvel
Dans le contexte vibrant d’un monde rétro-futuriste inspiré des années 60, Fantastic Four : First Steps présente la première famille de Marvel : Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic, Sue Storm/La Femme Invisible, Johnny Storm/La Torche Hum...
Действие происходит в кинематографической вселенной Marvel (MCU) и основано на одноименных персонажах комиксов Marvel.
Neuadaption der Comicfiguren Fantastic Four im MCU.
Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Ebon Moss-Bachrach e Joseph Quinn sono i Fantastici Quattro. I Fantastici 4, il nuovo film dei Marvel Studios, arriverà solo al cinema nel 2025.
Едно от най-емблематичните семейства на Marvel се завръща на големия екран - Фантастичната четворка.