Senso Daughters focuses on the legacy of the Japanese occupation of Papua New Guinea during the Second World War. It is a legacy that arises from rape, starvation and terror. Sekiguchi's documentary lets the residents of Papua New Guinea, e...
일본이 전쟁 기간에 자국군의 '위안'을 위해 여성들을 성 노 예로 삼은 만행은 아시아와 태평양 지역에 널리 퍼져있다. 일본의 쇼와 천황(히로히토)이 사망한 직후인 1980년대 말에 촬...
Senso Daughters richt zich op de erfenis van de Japanse bezetting van Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Het is een erfenis die voortkomt uit verkrachting, honger en terreur. Sekiguchi's documentaire laat de inwoners van Pa...