The Alps are covered by a nearly invisible security system that’s supposed to protect humans from natural disasters. This film attentively follows the sometimes mysterious-looking activities and preparations to portray the human struggle ...
알프스를 배경으로 인간과 자연의 싸움을 그린 다큐멘터리로 과학자, 기술자, 재난구조기관의 업무와 연구 과정을 관찰한다. 여러 측정결과와 시뮬레이션은 엄청난 규모의 그러나 ...
מרחוק, הרי האלפים נראים כמו פנזטיה פסטורלית, אבל כשמתקרבים, הרכס העצום מתגלה במלוא עוצמתו המאיימת. וככל שחלקים גדולים יותר מהאלפים נ...