The first night of the 36th annual WrestleMania event being held at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida, hosted by former New England Patriots Tight End Rob Gronkowski.
La primera noche del 36° evento anual de WrestleMania que se celebra en el WWE Performance Center en Orlando, Florida, organizado por el ex Tight End de los New England Patriots Rob Gronkowski.
Die erste Nacht der WrestleMania36, welche erstmals im WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida, stattfand.
Moderiert vom ehemaligen New England Patriots Tight End Rob Gronkowski. Match Card:
WWE Universal Championship: Goldberg gegen ...
由士力架为您呈现的第36届WrestleMania将于东部时间4月4日晚7点(北京时间4月5日早上7点)于佛罗里达州奥兰多市的WWE表演中心(WWE Performance Center)举行!这将是WrestleMania史上首次举办两日...