Curiosity and Control dává možnost nahlídnout do světa muzeií a zoologických zahrad, které v dnešní době formují vztah člověka a přírody.
인간과 자연 세계의 관계를 탐구한다. 뉴욕과 체스터, 파리, 베를린의 유서 깊은 자연사 박물관, 동물원과 식물원을 오가며 역사가와 건축가, 동물원장, 박물관학자의 의견에 귀를 ...
”There’s a fine line between loving something and possessing it” Eine Reise durch westliche Naturkundemuseen und zoologische Gärten mit Betrachtungen von Historikern, Architekten, Zoodirektoren und einem Museologen. Curiosity and Co...
Curiosity and Control examines our complex relationship to nature itself. A multi layered look at the world of Museums of Natural History and Zoological gardens, with voices from historians, authors, architects and zoo managers. It raises q...